
Wind propulsion for transatlantic PCTC

Image: Oceanbird

Alfa Laval and Wallenius are forming a new 50/50 joint venture to reduce the marine industry’s carbon footprint and overall emissions.


The new unit, Alfa Wall Oceanbird, will focus on the development and realisation of technology for fully wind-powered vessel propulsion. Their approach of wind propulsion is based on telescopic wing sails. This solution could reduce emissions by 90% on the largest ocean-going vessels.


“Wind has a key role to play in decarbonising the marine industry,” says Peter Nielsen, business unit president, Alfa Laval marine division.


Per Tunell, COO Wallenius Marine and future managing director of Alfa Wall Oceanbird, explained: “The new technology will be valid for any vessel type, but it will be implemented first on a transatlantic car carrier. Able to carry 7,000 cars, the vessel will be 200 m long and will cross the Atlantic in twelve days when sailing at an average speed of 10 knots." (cd)
