
Trieste drives the modal split ahead

Expanding hinterland connections by train.

With 62 million t, the Italian port of Trieste handled almost just as many volumes in 2019 as in the previous year. Add to that the 4 million t throughput at the port of Monfalcone.


In its own assessment, the port met two important objectives in 2019: on the one hand, container traffic recorded the most dynamic development and achieved a volume of 790,000 teu, which corresponds to a 9% increase compared to 2018. On the other hand, train traffic confirmed the upswing of 2018 and generated the result of 10,000 trains and 210,000 trucks shifted to the railways.


Port CEO D’Agostin: “The number of trains has doubled since 2014, from 5,000 in 2014 to today's 10,000. The investment pipeline in the railway segment amounts to EUR 200 million."


Furthermore, 56% of the containers handled in the port of Trieste in 2019 were shipped by rail. Liquid bulk remained stable at more than 43 million t (+0.30%), while dry bulk increased by 3% to 1.7 million t. Break bulk however slowed down (-5%) due to the negative results in the ro-ro segment (-24%), which dropped from the 299,000 units handled in 2018 to 228,000 units in 2019. (mw)
