
Thirteen days less

Photo: IRU

A new TIR transport axis has been opened between Shenzhen (China) and Tashkent in Uzbekistan. The launch follows the introduction of the Shenzhen and Almaty (Kazakhstan) TIR route in 2023.


The first TIR truck recently completed its 6,500 km door-to-door journey via the China-Kirgistan border in Irkeshtam in just seven days instead of 20 days without TIR.


Uzbek hauliers are also exploring other trade routes to China. Three TIR trucks have already arrived in Foshan city in Southern China. This increases the number of Chinese TIR operational inland cities to 14, offering more secure transport options that are over 80% faster and 50% cheaper, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) said. (ben)
