
Auteur : Andreas Haug

Riding a wave of insights

Illuminating the grey areas surrounding employee surveys. An employee survey offers more than just a snapshot. It provides an opportunity to shape workplace culture in a targeted way and initiate sustainable change. But how can companies effectively utilise the results without resorting to kneejerk reactions or creating unrealistic expectations? The firm Stapler Center Pieckert took the path from feedback to transformation.

Photos: Pieckert

A well-founded analysis, clear communication, and structured measures are all crucial elements of an employee survey. Stapler Center Pieckert (SCP), a medium-sized family enterprise from Empfingen (Germany), demonstrates how this process can be implemented successfully.


A family firm in transition


The company Stapler Center Pieckert, a specialist for industrial trucks founded in 1997, is now jointly managed by the second and third generations of the family to run it. Julia Pieckert, who joined the company in 2023 after studying economics, describes the employee survey as a true turning point. “It was the starting point to align our strategic goals with the needs of our employees.”


In 2024, the firm participated in the ‘Top Job’ programme, which helps to enhance the attractiveness of an employer and reduce employee turnover. This award confirmed to the company that it was heading in the right direction.


Transparent analysis and communication


After analysing the results of the survey SCP opted for a structured top-down approach. The findings were initially discussed by the management team, having previously been set in order of priority in collaboration with external experts.


Silke Masurat, the founder and managing director of the Centre for Attractive Employers (Zentrum für Arbeitgeberattraktivität, Zeag) and the organiser of ‘Top Job’, is convinced that “if management doesn’t respond to its employees’ feedback, or fails to address important issues, staff will quickly lose faith in what is otherwise actually a very effective tool. Ignoring the results of an employee survey undermines the time and money invested therein.”


Pieckert’s management team therefore put on a meeting with all of its employees, explaining the steps it had planned, what requests could be implemented immediately, and why some scenarios weren’t really feasible. One of the key aspects was the swift implementation of so-called ‘quick wins.’ These included introducing more flexible working hours, restructuring break schedules and holding regular team meetings.


These initial successes fostered trust and motivation amongst the workforce. At the same time, an internal strategy process was initiated that focused on SCP’s medium and long-term development. The survey results formed the basis for defining priority topics and implementing targeted measures.


Clear strategies – long-term development


The clear definition of everyone’s responsibilities was essential for the success of the follow-up process. The management team oversaw the overall process, provided the necessary resources, and defined strategic objectives.


Team leaders worked closely with their teams to develop and implement the various measures. Employees were actively involved, contributing suggestions to improving collaboration and workplace culture. The HR department acted as the link between different levels and coordinated the entire process, from moderating workshops to assessing synergy potential.


“The survey gave us the opportunity to shape leadership and our corporate culture.”


Alongside the rapid implementation of initial measures, Stapler Center Pieckert placed great emphasis on long-term developments. This included introducing structured annual employee reviews, for which team leaders received comprehensive training. Modernising office spaces and reviewing IT applications further highlighted the firm’s targeted investment in professionalisation.


At the same time, continuously reviewing the progress made so far remains a key component of the overall process. Thus SCP has already planned another employee survey to follow up, to assess the impact of the measures implemented and to gain further insights.


Following up on an employee survey is a demanding yet rewarding process. “For us, the survey was a turning point. It gives me, as part of the next generation to run the company, the opportunity to shape leadership and our corporate culture,” Julia Pieckert summarised.


With a clear strategy and a willingness to drive change forward, companies can enhance workplace culture, simultaneously also strengthen their employees’ trust in the enterprise and achieve long-term success.