
One-stop-shop customs service added to portfolio

Photo: Coyote Logistics

Coyote in UK has launched a new service in response to the growing need for customs expertise in the wake of Brexit. In collaboration with existing customs agents, the logistics provider is now offering a customs service for companies that already have a transport solution for their freight to the European Union (EU).


Since England's exit from the EU’s single market and customs union, freight transport across the Channel has become more complex, error-prone, and difficult due to the additional paperwork and declarations required.


With its cross-channel logistics solution combining transport and customs, Coyote Logistics already handles 8,000 to 9,000 customs declarations per year, underlining its experience and know-how in the field of customs clearance. But there is not always a need for a combined solution.


Coyote has therefore now introduced customs clearance as a novel, standalone service for UK customers who want to continue working with their current transport provider but need an experienced broker to support their customs processes. (ben)
