
Mixed results for Ennshafen in Austria


Ennshafen, an inland port on the Danube in Austria, experienced long periods of low water levels in 2018, which had a negative impact on traffic. The amount of cargo transhipped from river to land dropped from 697,000 t in 2017 to 485,000 t (carried by 648 ships) in 2018.


The container terminal however raised its throughput by 3% to 365,000 teu. Due to rising demand, the hub will now start the next step of its expansion programme. Around EUR 9.5 million will be spent on extending the cargo handling areas and purchasing a new crane. The new facilities are planned to be operational by the middle of 2019.


Connections to the hinterland have been improved with the overall upgrade of the roads leading to the port. The Ennshaven covers an area of 350 ha and is Austria’s youngest port on the Danube. It is operated jointly by the federal states of Upper and Lower Austria. (kd)
