
LNG-to-powership project launched in Mozambique

A new generation of energy for Mozambique.

Tokyo (Japan) -headquartered MOL and Karpowership will launch a joint LNG-to-powership project. The Dutch company Karpower International, a subsidiary of Karadeniz, will cooperate with MOL under the co-brand “Karmol” in Mozambique. Both parties will jointly own and operate a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) and a powership.


In this LNG-to-powership project, the FSRU will supply regasified LNG and the powership will use this regasified LNG to produce electricity, which will be subsequently delivered to Electricidade de Moçambique (“EDM”), Mozambique’s national power utility.


The FSRU is now being converted from an existing LNG carrier. The powership is currently operating with heavy fuel oil in Nacala (Mozambique), but in accordance with the prior arrangement with EDM, it will be switched to operation with LNG after the FSRU has been delivered. (fd)

