
Latam Cargo adapts operations

Photo: Latam Cargo

Working to offer its clients more capacity and satisfy their needs given the constantly changing scenario caused by Covid-19's effects, Latam Cargo has managed to mitigate the current difficulties through its eleven B767-300 freighter aircraft, which make the group the cargo airline with the most freighters operating in Latin America.


In order to maximise the use of its fleet and address the gap in capacity, previously given by bellies in PAX aircraft, the company has made significant modifications to its itinerary.


These include routing changes, an increase in freighter frequencies (Santiago-Miami x5, South/North America +15%, South America-Europe +20%,), a new service Los Angeles-Mexico City-Lima-SCL and the use of PAX aircraft as freighter aircraft, e.g. B787-900 between SCL and MEX (photo) and A320 in Peru. (ah)
