
Laos: from a landlocked to a land-linked country

Photo: iChongquing

Since its launch in December 2021, the China-Laos-railway has transported 24 million t of freight. Laos is one of the countries benefiting from the 1,035 km line, as China’s state council information office (SCIO) reports.


With only a 3.5 km long railway to Thailand, Laos’ economic development had long been restricted. It is now converting from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub in the Indo-China Peninsula, which opens up more opportunities for business.


Yang Shixian's company in northern Laos for example has switched to the railway from road transport and seen its freight costs fall since the railway was put into service. Today, the company delivers 3,000 t of rubber products to China every month. (ben)

