
Indian Register celebrates 10 years in IACS

IRClass’ executive chairman Arun Sharma is currently the vice chair of the association IACS.

This year, the Indian Register of Shipping (IR Class) marks ten years of full membership of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS). Having been an associate member since 1991, IR Class became a full member in 2010 and has actively participated and contributed within IACS throughout the years.


During its membership, IR Class has participated in a number of IACS bodies, also chairing the IACS group on quality policy, the safety panel, the steering committee on strategy and expert group on formal safety assessment.


Further, IR Class also chaired the general policy group (GPG), which is the most prestigious technical body in IACS. Finally, IR Class’ executive chairman Arun Sharma was elected as IACS council chairman from July 2019 to June 2020 and continues to be the vice chair of the association. (cd)
