
Auteur : Mantra Kumar

German wind park manager renews lease

Photo: CTP Deutschland

Wind Multiplikator employs 290 people at its headquarters in Emden and its location in Bremen, Germany. It offers wind park management as well as engineering-related consulting services.


At the Emden hub, CTP Deutschland is providing the company with 25,000 sqm of hall area and 28,000 sqm for storage. From here, Wind Multiplikator can repair, store, and manage large parts of wind park equipment. It also has a portal crane which is directly connected to the North Sea.


Michael Munder-Oschimek, CEO and founder of Wind Multiplikator: "With its own quay facilities, the heavy-duty gantry crane and the direct connection to the North Sea, the site has a unique infrastructure that we want to secure for the future." (mk)

