
Auteur : Patricia Büeler

German ports for a green future

Photo: Dreeke

At an event entitled “German Ports and Shipping on Course for the Energy and Climate Transition” which was organised by the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (DVF) in Berlin last week, the German maritime and logistics industry discussed the competitiveness of the ports and the shipping industry, the green energy transition and alternative fuels.


Key figures like Frank Dreeke, Arnt Vespermann, Dieter Janecek, Oliver Grundmann, Heiner Dettmer, and Bert Reuther emphasised the need for sustained investment to raise port levy equalisation and maintain the competitiveness of cargo handling services. They also called for support for alternative fuels and appropriate regulations.


Oliver Grundmann, representing the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Heiner Dettmer and Jan Sönke Enkel demanded a comprehensive and increased investment package for port infrastructure and waterways to maintain the viability of the inland shipping network and emphasised the need to combat staffing shortages.


Finally, the participants called for greater transparency and speed in decision-making within the German waterways and shipping administration. (pb)
