
Auteur : Andreas Haug

Funds from Bern for Domodossola

Switzerland supporting the construction of an intermodal transhipment facility. The Swiss national transport office is contributing CHF 38.8 million to the construction of a transhipment hub for combined transport in Domodossola (Italy), in a move that’s in line with Switzerland’s goals of shifting trans-Alpine freight to intermodal solutions (see also page 19 of ITJ 17-18 / 2024). The move will upgrade the Lötschberg–Simplon axis by handling 185,000 truck shipments a year on the route.

Photo: Cargobeamer

High-performance transhipment facilities for combined transport are essential for Switzerland’s modal shift policy. In order for containers and semi-trailers to be transferred to combined transport railway solutions, suitable transhipment gateways with sufficient capacity are needed north and south of Switzerland.

Article 8 makes it possible

The state is authorised to invest in the construction of intermodal terminals outside Switzerland by article 8 of the Swiss freight transport act.

In the past Switzerland has already been involved in the financing of terminals in Belgium (Antwerp), Germany (Duisburg and Singen) as well as in Italy (Gallarate, Piacenza and Milan Smistamento). In 2022 no less than 1.05 million containers were handled in hubs abroad that were co-financed by Switzerland. Now another transhipment facility is under construction in Domodossola, in northern Italy; it will provide two 700 m tracks.

Up to 185,000 truckloads a year

On the one hand the new hub will be in a position to load containers, whilst on the other hand, no less than 24 modules that can be deployed to tranship semi-trailers will also be available on site. With the horizontal loading system in action, even non-craneable semi-trailers, which are widely used in Europe, can be efficiently transhipped there.

Once completed the terminal is expected to handle no less than 185,000 lorry shipments annually. This will strengthen the Lötschberg–Simplon axis for trans-Alpine railfreight transport.

A repayment mechanism is in place

The facility is operated by a subsidiary of Cargobeamer, which is headquartered in Leipzig (eastern Germany). The centre will cost approximately CHF 67.1 million to build, with Switzerland contributing around CHF 38.8 million. If defined minimum volumes aren’t reached, then Cargobeamer will have to pay some of the money back.