
Auteur : Mantra Kumar

Fuel costs could strain shipping at Christmas

In a recent press release, Charles Haverfield, CEO, US Packaging & Wrapping, warned of strains on the shipping industry due to fuel prices: “The increase in fuel prices is not only being felt by consumers but also by the already over-burdened shipping industry, which can expect to experience higher operational and transportation costs.


And with seasonal freight demand only set to increase in the run up to the busy Christmas period, these additional surcharges could have a detrimental impact on the freight industry at both a national and global scale. Amazon, for example, has been introducing low-carbon electro-fuels to its trucking fleet this year.


But for small and independent trucking companies, which make up a significant portion of the industry, this may not be an immediately viable investment, particularly during periods of high inflation rates and steeper operating costs.” (mk)
