
Former president of Ateia Madrid dies

Photo: Feteia

Antonio López Matrán, former president of Ateia Madrid and head of the freight forwarder Ibercóndor, has died. Despite his delicate health, he always remained one of the key representatives of the logistics association in the capital.


López Matrán was president of the Madrid Freight Forwarders Association for 16 years, a period of very strong logistics development in the capital and in Spain, where Ateia led the campaigns for the interests and aims of the logistics industry. López Matrán handed over the baton to Carlos Aráuz in 2015.


In its press release, Ataia-Oltra Madrid highlighted "its sincere appreciation for his good character and his invaluable dedication to achieve the current official recognition of our activity as an association of freight forwarders and customs representatives.” (cj)
