
Auteur : Mantra Kumar

EV battery regulations required

Klaus Rud Sejling, CEO (Photo: DANX Carousel)

In an effort to reduce supply chain costs and the risk of storage issues, Danx Carousel’s CEO is calling upon the EU to standardise regulations on electric vehicle batteries. Klaus Rud Sejling is concerned about the storage and transport of EV batteries as the number of hybrid and EV owners is growing rapidly in Europe.


While the newest regulation from last year targeted the sustainability and safety of the batteries, Sejling is looking for a better solution to disparities between EU nations which increase the cost and confusion around the products.


The logistics company has moved well over 20,000 batteries in the Nordics alone, with each of them weighing an average of 500 kg. It is currently adding battery storage facilities in Germany and France to accommodate expected increases in demand. (mk)
