
Auteur : Patricia Büeler

European ports: sharp drop in container handling

Blue: original, red: seasonally adjusted (Source: RWI)

In September, the Container Handling Index, jointly complied by RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), surged by 4 points to a seasonally adjusted 128.0 points.


This remarkable increase was primarily attributed to expanding container handling activities in Chinese ports, although the data for Chinese ports in September is limited.


The North Range Index, indicative of economic developments in the northern Eurozone and Germany, significantly dropped from 102.0 to 99.0 points in September.


A decline in European container handling is in line with expectations for reduced production in Europe in the third quarter, while a gradual recovery in European container handling is anticipated by year-end. (pb)
