
Dispute in Bremen?

BHV spokesman Christoph Bruns is critical. (Photo. BHV)

In Germany, the port and logistics association Bremische Hafen- und Logistikvertretung (BHV) has criticised the decision of Bremen's senate on the assumption of costs for losses incurred by the Jade-Weser-Port Container-Terminals (CTW). "The participation of the federal state of Bremen in the Jade Weser Port, which, in the final analysis, will have a negative impact on Bremen's ports, will be very difficult to justify politically."


As has become known, Bremen's senate plans to compensate the CTW's deficits of EUR 22 million over the coming years. The deficits are due particularly to unforeseeable costs for the maintenance of the port.


In return, the funds originally earmarked for the maintenance for Bremen's ports are to be scrapped. The BHV has demanded concerted action by the federal states of Bremen and Lower Saxony in this issue. (cd)
