
Container throughput remains weak

Photo: RWI/ISL

According to the latest flash estimate, the container throughput index of RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) remained almost unchanged in March compared to the previous month at a seasonally adjusted 118.1 points. Container throughput therefore continued its weak performance of recent months.


Container throughput saw a significant rise in the Chinese ports, with the index climbing to 134.8 points in March after 128.7 in February. In contrast, the North Range Index of major continental European ports on the North Sea fell sharply from 102.3 to 90.4 compared to the previous month.


RWI head of economic research Torsten Schmidt: "In European ports, container throughput has been falling steadily on trend since mid-2021." (lh)
