
Container flows on a positive note?

Blue line: original value. Red line: seasonally adjusted. (Image: RWI / ISL).

In December 2022, the container throughput index published by the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) surged to 124.3 points from the 121.9 points (seasonally adjusted) registered the month before, according to the latest flash estimate based on 94 global ports.


Throughput in the Chinese ports caught up, with the index growing significantly from 133.3 to 138.3 points. The index for Europe’s North Range also showed a robust growth from 105.6 (revised) to 108.2 points.


Torsten Schmidt, RWI’s head of economic research: "The recovery in container throughput accelerated towards the end of the year. The revival is now also reaching the European ports, so that the bottlenecks in some primary products are likely to be further reduced.” The RWI/ISL index for January 2023 will be published on 28 February 2023.
