Working to end deaths in enclosed spaces on ships
InterManager has collaborated with the Nautical Institute and Imarest to launch a survey to understand why seafarers and shore workers continue to die in enclosed spaces onboard ships.
It gathers feedback to identify risks and assess safety procedures. Despite regulations, enclosed space incidents remain a concern. In 2023, 34 casualties were recorded, nearly double the 18 in 2022. Initial 2024 data shows 14 deaths, though reporting delays may mean higher figures. Bulk carriers and tankers are most affected, with many incidents occurring in holds and cargo oil tanks.
InterManager secretary general Captain Kuba Szymanski (pictured) said that “despite numerous interventions, workers are still dying in enclosed spaces. We need real feedback from those on the frontline to understand what’s going wrong and to find solutions.” Seafarers, HSEQ teams and ship managers have been urged to take part in the undertaking. (ah)