
Waving the performing flags

Guy Platten, ICS secretary general. (Photo ICS)

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has published the latest Flag State Performance Table (2020/2021).


According to its findings, the largest flag states – including the Marshall Islands, Hong Kong (China), Singapore as well as the Bahamas and Cyprus – continue to perform on a high standard, with traditional flags and open registers performing equally well.


ICS secretary general Guy Platten, says: “The Table clearly indicates that distinctions between ‘traditional’ flags and open registers are no longer meaningful. Alongside several European registers, and flags such as Japan, we have seen many open registers amongst the very top performers”.


Amongst the ten largest ship registers (by dead weight tonnage), covering more than 70% of the world fleet, none have more than two indicators of potentially negative performance, and five have no negative indicators at all. (cd)
