
Valenciaport to test H2 tractor

Photo: Fundación Valenciaport

The Port of Valencia is getting ready to test a hydrogen terminal tractor. The vehicle is part of the H2Ports project and already under development by Atena.


The yard tractor will be powered by a fuel cell provided by Ballard. It is scheduled to undergo a two year trial in real life operations in the Port of Valencia after it arrives in Valencia Terminal Europa (VTE), part of the Grimaldi Group.


The tractor will be refuelled at the mobile hydrogen refuelling station developed by CNH2. The fuel cell employed can provide power both to the electric motor and the battery, if required.


The European project “H2Ports - implementing fuel cells and hydrogen technologies in ports” is an initiative coordinated by Fundación Valenciaport in cooperation with the Port Authority of Valencia and financed by the fuel cell and hydrogen joint undertaking (FCH JU) programme.


The project will entail a total investment of EUR 4 million and involves, in addition to Fundación Valenciaport and the Port Authority of Valencia, the Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno, and the private companies MSC Terminal Valencia, Grimaldi Group, Hyster-Yale, Atena Distretto Alta Tecnologia Energia Ambiente, Ballard Power Systems Europe and Enagás. (sh)
