
Stronger throughput in European ports

Blue line: original value. Red line: seasonally adjusted. (Chart: RWI/ISL)

In August 2022, the container throughput index published by the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) soared to 127.4 points from the 126.5 points (seasonally adjusted) registered the month before, according to the latest flash estimate.


The upswing can partially be attributed to the continuous improvement of throughput in Chinese ports, where the index grew from 137.1 to 139.5 points. Yet, the greatest contribution derived from the index for Europe’s North Range, which rose significantly from 111.5 (revised) to 115.2 points. The RWI/ISL index for September 2022 will be published on 28 October 2022.


Torsten Schmidt, RWI’s head of economic research: “Container throughput increased in August despite a weakening global economy. The particularly strong expansion in the European ports suggests that the supply chains are gradually easing.” (sh)
