
Reverse logistics - a booming business

Photo: DB Schenker

With the introduction of its new circular economy logistics product line, DB Schenker is investing in the take-back, repair and reconditioning of electronic equipment, thus further expanding its position in the reverse logistics segment. In this case, DB Schenker has opted for a modular offering from a single source.


The company recently became the first logistics provider with diamond member status to join the Reverse Logistics Association.


DB Schenker continues to expand its circular economy portfolio in an increasing number of logistics locations on all continents. It handles well over ten million printers, smartphones or entire server structures in reverse logistics every year,  and millions more products are inspected for damage and repaired.


In addition, DB Schenker returns around 1.5 million electrical appliances such as tablets, laptops, or other portable electronic devices to the original manufacturer for recycling of their components. (ben)
