
Recovery in Strasbourg Port

Photo: Ports de Strasbourg

2021 marked a recovery in all traffic in the port of Strasbourg on the Rhine. While goods transported on the river grew by 2% in comparison to 2020, container volumes over all modes of transport grew by 3%. In total, river traffic amounted to 7 million t.


Energy products drove traffic growth (+14%), as well as agricultural products (+3%). Building materials (-3%) went down due to high water and low water levels over the year. Rail traffic, reaching 1.15 million t, saw a 6% decline in tonnage compared to the previous year, in particular due to floods and storms in Belgium.


The Rhine Europe Terminals experienced traffic growth of 3% with nearly 374,000 teu handled. More links by rail (MMR) and river (Dubbelman and GE) to Antwerp and Rotterdam were introduced or reshaped over the year. (sh)
