
Logisticians meet German chancellor

From left: Frank Huster, Axel Plaß, Jochen Quick, Dr. Steffen Meyer, Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt, Markus Olligschläger, Jens Pawlowski. Photo: BGL-EV

Germany’s current political framework is slowing down the decarbonisation of road haulage services and thus making it more difficult for the logistics sector to achieve its climate targets.


During a meeting with chancellor Olaf Scholz yesterday, 27 May 2024, representatives of the three industry associations BGL, BWVL and DSLV called for urgent corrections and more market economy.


Their demands included a reform of fuel taxation, the reinvestment of CO2-based truck toll revenues into the green transformation of road haulage, a rapid expansion of the infrastructure for charging electricity-based trucks, and a subsidy for the purchase of electric and hydrogen-powered commercial vehicles based on the size of the company. (ben)
