
Laurels for the Port of Montréal

The "Digital Twin" caught the eye of the jurors.

The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has recognised the work of 28 port authorities in its annual environmental improvement, facilities engineering, information technology and communications awards programmes.


AAPA’s information technology awards programme, which began 18 years ago, highlights port technology accomplishments in a number of fields.


The Canadian Montréal Port Authority (MPA) won the 2020 port operations and management systems category award of excellence for its submission, the Port of Montreal "Digital Twin".


In cooperation with the Centre for Technological Entrepreneurship (Centech) and the start-up partners PreVu3D and ARA Robotics, MPA carried out extensive three-dimensional modelling of port locations and facilities to create a "Digital Twin" of the port's territory and infrastructure.


Amongst others, the "Digital Twin" is used for infrastructure planning and optimisation, training of security and fire prevention staff and enhanced communications with the community, clients and potential clients. (mw)
