
Improving safety for port operations

Eleven sea ports have agred on uniform port regulations.

Under the leadership of the Dutch ports of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, eleven seaports have developed uniform port regulations for the first time. For instance, the port operators have decided to cooperate in matters of safety by deploying the same port management and information system HaMIS.


Rotterdam’s port operator is working closely with the port of Antwerp (Belgium) to ensure that suppliers of bunker fuels receive a bunker permit that enters into effect from 1 January 2021. A bunkering licence for LNG (liquid natural gas) is already in force.


Most recently, the port of Rotterdam has witnessed an increase of LNG bunkering operations during the loading and unloading of seagoing vessels. Currently, three LNG bunker vessels are regular visitors to the port. Four other LNG bunker ships have the licence to bunker LNG in the port. Two more ships are expected to join them this year.


2019 was a comparatively safe year for shipping in Rotterdam’s port. 29,476 seagoing vessels called at the port last year, about the same amount as in 2018 (29,491). The number of accidents also remained constant – 113 compared to 112 in 2018. Most of the accidents involved damages done to mooring vessels. (mw)

