
ICC decides for DIT

Photo: DIT

The ICC Arbitral Tribunal ruled on 13 November 2020 that a new call for tenders must be launched for concessions for the port of Douala in Cameroun - including the port and terminal operator Douala International Terminal (DIT), a subsidiary of APMT and Bolloré Groups.


The Port Autonome of Douala (PAD) was ordered by court to pay damages to this Bolloré subsidiary. DIT welcomed the decision rendered in its favour.


Now, the two points of friction between Bolloré and the autonomous port of Douala - sharing of parking costs between the autonomous port of Douala (PAD) and DIT and the ban imposed on DIT forbidding it to participate in the call for tenders launched in January 2018 - have been decided upon by tribunal.


DIT explained in a press release that "the recourse to arbitration was provided for by the PAD-DIT concession agreement of 2004." The operator was active at the port of Douala from 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2019. That is, 15 years of concession. (cd)

