
Gebrüder Weiss wins Hermes award for transport security

GW delighted about the Hermes award. Photo: GW

For its recently developed safety system “transport security Standard (TSS)” the company Gebrüder Weiss has been awarded the "Hermes.transport.logistics.prize" in the category supply chain management.


“This award acknowledges the high safety standards we guarantee our customers for our overland transport services,” says Jürgen Bauer, member of the management at Gebrüder Weiss. The Hermes prize is awarded annually to logistics companies in Austria for exceptional achievements and innovations in their field.


The definition of the TSS was developed on the basis of Tapa regulations and industrial safety standards. It is applied to all transport services within the scope of the logistics group. Partners and customers are the main beneficiaries of the continually improved safety concepts. Meanwhile, about 55,000 FTL are monitored throughout Europe every year. Thanks to the implementation of the safety standards, the losses of value incurred by customers have been reduced by almost 70% over the last few years. (mw)
