
Dnata’s Air Dispatch issues 7 millionth loadsheet

Photo: Dnata

Air Dispatch, part of Dnata and a global supplier of centralised load control (CLC) services, recently celebrated the production of its seven millionth load sheet.


The milestone document was issued from the Prague facility, ensuring safe and efficient operations of a Titan Airways’ Airbus A330-300 P2F cargo flight which the airline operates on behalf of global forwarder Geodis (pictured).


Air Dispatch has been offering quality and reliable CLC services to both legacy and new generation carriers since 2007. It calculates the weight and balance conditions for aircraft prior to flight, securing greater productivity and profitability for its airline customers.


Every month, Air Dispatch’s 170 aviation professionals produce over 60,000 loadsheets for 19 airlines operating from 392 airports on six continents and in every time zone with an airport on the planet. (cj)
