
Digital solution in Antwerp goes live in 2021

All containers leaving Antwerp will have their individual digital code.

On 1 January 2021, the port of Antwerp will launch "Certified-Pick-up" (CPu) an integrated digital solution for the release of containers. It will replace the current system of PIN codes. The new platform will guarantee a secure, transparent and optimised release process for incoming containers, which will then leave the port by train, inland barge, truck or sea going vessel.


The PIN code currently in use is a time-consuming procedure, because it has to be transmitted to the shipping company and inserted by the driver at the terminal. Furthermore, the PIN code is seen by various parties, which increases the risk of abuse.


The CPu solution provides a neutral central data platform which links all parties involved in the container import process and generates an encrypted digital key with which the relevant carrier can pick up the container. (mw)
