
Cargo keeps Scandlines on course in 2018


In 2018, Scandlines’ group sales dropped slightly by 2% to EUR 477 million (2017: EUR 487 million), as the unusually warm weather between May and September attracted fewer passengers.


With EUR 352 million, turnover on both ferry routes remained the same, however. This was mainly due to the strong growth of the cargo segment and the steady increase of traffic on the Rostock-Gedser link, which compensated for the slight decline in throughput on the Puttgarden-Rødby service.


Scandlines retained its profitability in 2018, since the group generated profits of EUR 191 million (2017: EUR 194 million) resulting from ist ordinary activities. This corresponds to a stable ebita margin of 40% (2017: 40%). For 2019 Scandlines expects a moderate rise in turnover and profitability. (kd)
