
Seriously low water levels on the Rhine

Photo: WSV

According to data from the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration, the Rhine River has dropped below a critical depth of water. The depth of the main fairway, which is decisive for shipping, was only 1.59 m on Thursday last week (4 August 2022) - lower than in any other section of the Middle and Lower Rhine. That is why Kaub in the Rhine-Lahn river district is considered an important point for inland navigation on the Rhine.


The German Federal Institute for Hydrology (BfG) recently stated that, up to a water level of around 30 to 35 cm at the Kaub bottleneck, shallow inland waterway vessels could still use the Middle Rhine route. However, forecasts assume water levels around 30 cm might bring shipping on the Rhine in this area to a standstill.


This crisis on one of Europe’s most vital waterways will impact all container and general cargo shipments, but especially the transport of fuels from the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp region to Germany and Switzerland. The imminent deadlock could disrupt the trade of as much as 400,000 barrels of daily oil products, according to Facts Global Energy. (sh)


