
Preliminary trials for Liberty Lifter X-plane

Photo: Aurora

The USA’s defence advanced research projects agency (Darpa) programme aims to design, build, float, and fly an affordable X-plane that demonstrates revolutionary heavy-air-lift capability from the sea. It is now taking the next step.


After changing the design for the Liberty Lifter from a t-tail to a pi-tail, which is more structurally efficient when accommodating an aft cargo door, Aurora Flight Sciences, a Boeing company, is progressing through phase 1B of the programme.


The end goal of this phase is preliminary design, and a major focus is testing for risk reduction, performed with Recon Craft, an Oregon-based shipyard. Phase 1B will conclude with a preliminary design review, tentatively scheduled for January next year. If the programme progresses, flight testing could begin in 2028. (ah)
