
More than 1.3 million t of CO2 saved

Photo: Hupac

The Swiss intermodal operator Hupac moved 1.1 million truckloads and 21 million t of goods last year. With the shift from road to rail, Hupac saved more than 1.3 million t of CO2 and around 14.5 billion megajoules of energy compared to pure road transport. This corresponds to a reduction of 89% in CO2 emissions and 74% in energy consumption.


Hupac’s network covers the entire continent with daily trains between centrally located terminals. Focal points are the economic areas of Rhein/Ruhr, Rhein/Main and north Italy, as well as the large ports in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. From there, dozens of trains connect peripheral and emerging markets in Europe and the Far East. (ben)
