
More growth - despite market challenges

Photo: Hellmann

Hellmann Worldwide Logistics increased its total sales by 24% to EUR 5.0 billion in 2022, with shipment volumes rising year-on-year to just under 20 million (2021: 18.1 million).


Ebit grew by 31% to EUR 210.8 million. With an improved cash flow from operating activities of EUR 268.7 million, Hellmann was able to add EUR 124.7 million to its liquid assets, despite a significant increase in investments.


Beyond its positive financial performance, Hellmann continued its investment in digitalisation and forward-looking technologies last year. It took over a JV in Peru and acquired the overnight express provider Optim Net, which operates in Czechia and Slovakia.


The company also opened a country organisation in Switzerland, following the expansion of business activities in Indonesia, the Philippines, Egypt, Oman and France in 2020/21. (ben)
