
More containers in Vienna

2019 was a good year for the Austrian capital's port.

The Hafen Wien Group generated a turnover of EUR 36.5 million (+7 %) and an operating result of EUR 3.6 million (+12%) in 2019. The group's trimodal container terminal handled around 376,000 container transhipments in 2019 (2018: 350,000 container transhipments). This amounts to a 7.4% increase compared to the previous year.


Capacity utilisation in warehousing logistics reached 80%, up 75% from 2018. All storage facilities taken together cover a total area of 270,000 sqm. The autoterminal also posted an upbeat performance in 2019, handling more than 64,000 vehicles– an increase of around 8% compared to 2018.


"Investments of more than EUR 7 million are planned for 2020, with a particular focus on the construction of the Albern port gate," said Hafen Wien's commercial manager Fritz Lehr. (mw)
