
Moderate raise of tariffs for investments

Photo: Bremenports

After two years without an increase, fees at Bremen's ports in Germany are set to rise by 2% from January 2022. Space charges in Bremen were last raised by an average of 2% on 1 January 2019.


Bremen's ports refrained from an increase in 2020 due to poor economic forecasts, the upcoming Brexit and the trade conflict between USA and China, and the fees remained unchanged. In 2021, to accommodate port customers in the pandemic, a price increase was postponed. Now the time has come.


The senator for science and ports, Claudia Schilling comments: "The fees serve to finance a significant part of the costs for the production, maintenance and upkeep of Bremen's ports. In the next two years we have budgeted EUR 56.4 million for investments in the ports and EUR 58.3 million for their maintenance." (sh)
