
LNG becoming a mass phenomenon

NYK Line's first LNG-fuelled PCTC Sakura Leader (Photo: Sea-LNG).

According to the latest report from Clarkson Research Services, LNG-fuelled vessel orders are approaching 30% of gross tonnage on order. 2021 has been a banner year for new LNG dual-fuel vessel construction contracts as reported by DNV and others.


Industry coalition SEA-LNG sees this significant growth in LNG-fuelled vessel orders in 2021 as a trend expected to continue. In particular, it is anticipated that over 90% of the new pure car and truck carriers (PCTC) that will enter the market in the coming years will be LNG dual fuel.


Likewise, containership owners and operators are moving to LNG-fuelled tonnage, with orders for LNG-fuelled liners increasing five-fold since January 2020. Tankers and bulkers are following the trend, with increases of seven-fold and two-fold respectively over the 18-month period, according to Clarksons. (cd)

