
Investors for a blockchain BL model

f.l.t.r.: Gadi Ruschin, Wave BL; Eli Glickman, ZIM; Ophir Shoham, Marius Nacht (Photo: ZIM)

Wave BL, a developer of blockchain networks to support paperless trade in the shipping industry, saw a joint investment in a Series B Financing round of carrier ZIM and Marius Nacht, an Israeli serial entrepreneur and investor. The two investors co-lead a round of approximately USD 8 million that will accelerate global implementation of Wave BL's technology.


ZIM, which started its first paperless electronic bill of lading pilot in 2017 using Wave BL’s platform, now offers its electronic bill of lading to all customers worldwide.


Aligning with international rules, standards and insurance coverage such as IG P&I Clubs and eUCP 600, ZIM underlined in a press release that Wave BL’s decentralised, digital documentation solution "is changing the shipping industry as it becomes the new industry benchmark enabling secure and efficient remote business continuity." (cd)
