
HKG: cargo traffic up in July

Photo: Andreas Haug

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) recently released Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) air traffic statistics for July 2024. During the month, cargo handling was up 14.6% to 414,000 t.


Cargo throughput at HKIA has continued its consecutive double-digit year-on-year growth since the beginning of the year. Export cargo remained the main growth driver, increasing by 16.8% compared to the same month last year.


Cargo traffic to and from key trading regions in Europe, Southeast Asia and Middle East increased most significantly in the month. For the first seven months of the year, it experienced a double-digit annual rise of 17.4% to about 2.8 million t. On a twelve-month rolling basis, cargo throughput reported a growth of 15.7% to 4.7 million t. (cj)
