
Data seaports driving smart ports

A companion of the digital transformation in shipping. (c) docksthefuture.

The new European Data Ports project, aimed at creating a data platform for cognitive ports of the future, welcomes a new member in Traxens, a data and service provider for the supply chain industry privately held and headquartered in Marseille, France.


With a total budget of EUR 6.7 million (USD 7.3 million), the three-year project will receive EUR 5.7 million (USD 6.2 million) from the European Union. It is coordinated by the Technological Institute of Informatics (ITI) in Spain. Today, only 3% of container terminals are automated.


However, the future of the industry points towards smart ports as the best way to overcome the challenges and demands that arise in the sector, including optimising port operations, enhancing the supply chain for operators and carriers and reducing emissions and waste.


Data Ports will take advantage of the huge amount of data generated around modern connected seaports and the high level of digitalisation these ports have so far achieved. Existing digital platforms and tools will be leveraged to establish an industrial data platform where data coming from different stakeholders and external sources can be combined and processed to achieve real value. (mw)
