
Cosco now links Contecon with Asia

Photo: ICTSI

Contecon Guayaquil has received the inaugural call of Cosco Shipping’s WSA5 service, the first direct link between Ecuador and Asia via Peru’s port of Chancay. The new service reduces transit time to Shanghai to 27 days, providing a faster and more reliable route for Ecuadorian exports such as bananas and shrimp.


“This service connects millions of people, businesses and projects in record time,” said Javier Lancha (right), CEO of Contecon Guayaquil. Cosco’s decision to include the terminal in its rotation strengthens Ecuador’s trade position, supported by the country’s free-trade agreement with China.


The WSA5 service calls at key hubs in China, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, creating a seamless trade loop between Latin America and Asia. Contecon Guayaquil continues to enhance Ecuador’s global trade connectivity with world-class gateway services. (ah)



