
Von: Mantra Kumar

China’s first 100% green powered logistics centre

Photo: Yum China

As of July 2023, Yum China Holdings’ logistics centre in Nanning, Guangxi province, is completely powered by renewable energy. It is the first cold chain logistics centre in China to fully operate on carbon-neutral power.


Accomplished without increasing utility costs, this shift aligns with the company’s objective to achieve net-zero value chain GHG emissions by 2050.


By the end of 2023, Yum China is estimated to have a total annual green power consumption of 10 million kWh. Roughly 70 stores in various provinces are expected to complete a full transition to green energy in Q4/2023.


Yum China plans to generate its own power from distributed photovoltaics while supplementing with green power purchases. By 2025, all newly built Yum China centres are expected to use rooftop-generated solar power. (mk)
