
2018 - favourable for Spanish ports

Port of Barcelona

Spanish ports generally performed well in 2018, although full year figures have not been published as yet. According to the data published by Puertos de Estado, a total of 502.5 million t were moved in the first eleven months of the year, 2.8% more than in 11M/2017.


In the period under review, the goods volume in international transit rose by 7.3% to 135.2 million t. Some 44.4% of that throughput flowed through three ports: Algeciras moved 94.2 million t (+6.5%), Valencia noted 68.8 million t (+1.6%) and Barcelona handled 60.5 million t (+9.5%).


The general cargo sector registered the best performance as it grew by 5.3% to 244.6 million t. 85% of goods in that sector passed through six ports: Barcelona registered the highest increase (+12.6%), followed by Bilbao (+8.3%), the Balearic Islands (+6.3%) and Algeciras (+6%).


Volumes in Valencia rose by a mere 3.3%, while Las Palmas saw a 1.5% decrease. 71.6% of the general cargo was transported in containers, the tonnage equated to 175 million t, 4.9% more than in 11M/2017. (kd)
